Tarpaulin Sky Press is pleased to announce that it has selected not one but two manuscripts from our open reading period: Claire Donato’s novel, Burial, and David Wolach’s poetry collection, Hospitalogy, both of which will be published in Spring 2013. Congrats!
Claire’s and David’s books will join the already-scheduled publication of Joyelle McSweeney’s second book with TSky Press, a collection of short fictions entitled Salamandrine: 8 Gothics. Other forthcoming publications include Kim Gek Lin Short’s second book with TSky Press, China Cowboy, coming in 2012, as well as our picks from the last chapbook reading period, Claire Hero’s Dollyland, and Paula Koneazny’s Installation, also coming 2012.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who thought enough of Tarpaulin Sky Press to send their work to our open reading period. We would also like to note that the following authors and titles made this a particularly difficult reading period for us, by virtue of their being too damn good:
Rosa Alcala, The Translator’s Blues
Greg Bachar, Curiosisosity
Carrie Bennett, The Land is a Painted Thing
Emma Bolden, Malificae
David Brennan, Another Gallows
Amy Sara Carroll, FANNIE + FREDDIE/The Sentimentality of Post-9-11 Pornography
Dereck Clemons, Arts & Leisure
Olivia Cronk, Skin Horse
John Deming, Human Heads
Sandra Doller, Memory of the Prose Machine and Man Years
Jamey Gallagher, Crumblehead
K. Lorraine Graham, Baseball Season In America
Adriana Grant, Bang, Pouf
Jenny Gropp Hess, Organographies
Steven Karl, Dear Human Race
Drew Krewer, I Could Be Your Beauty Resort
Tony Mancus, How to Build a Radio-belly
John Mann, Able, Baker, Charlie
Kristi Maxwell, PLAN/K
Susan Maxwell, Tournament
Catherine Meng, The Longest Solar Eclipse of the Century
Ben Mirov, Nightingale Forge
Monica Mody, Kala Pani
Linnea Ogden, Heart Of Palm
Caryl Pagel, Emergencies
Aimee Parkison, Water-Clock Water
Kim Parko, Junior
Jeffrey Pethybridge, Striven, The Bright Treatise
Michelle Naka Pierce, Continuous Frieze Bordering [Red]
Deborah Poe, Hélène
Michael Rerick, OdeIss/heIs
Amber Sparks, The Monstrous Sadness of Mythical Creatures
Dao Strom, we were meant to be a gentle people
JeFF Stumpo, diluvium
Dan Thomas-Glass, An ocean is a body
Genya Turovskaya, The Man Falling
Sara Veglahn, The Mayflies
Sharon White, On Voyage
Carolyn Zaikowski, An Invisible Bottle of White Ink
Nicole Zdeb, The Friction of Distance