The February issue of The Volta is live.
Evening Will Come features a tribute to Jake Adam York, who passed away late last year–organized by Noah Eli Gordon, including some amazing photography by Jake’s wife Sarah Skeen.
They Will Sew the Blue Sail features poems by Samuel Ace, Lucy Ives, & Lynn Xu
Heir Apparent presents a large swath by the Pines (Phil Cordelli & Brandon Shimoda).
Medium: Megan Kaminski poemfilm
Tremolo: Shane McCrae interviewed by Andrea Francis
Friday Feature has a new review by John Olson of Kenneth Warren’s latest
and Amaranth Borsuk takes down the clouds
The Conversant features talks, interviews, conversations with the following: Andy Fitch with Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Laura Wetherington, Jenny Zhang, and Brandon Brown; Krystal Languell with Khadijah Queen; Jasmine Dreame Wagner with Kathleen Ossip; Jeffrey Williams with Andrew Ross; HL Hix with Jennifer Chang, Yunte Huang, and Abraham Smith; Chris Alexander, Kristen Gallagher and Gordon Tapper with Tan Lin; Laura Wetherington with Jenny Zhang; Nature Theater of Oklahoma with Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker; Philip Metres with Vsevolod Nekrasov; Justin Yockel with France Rodrìguez; and Kristin Maffei with Allyson Paty and Danniel Schoonebeek.