From Derek White’s incomparable Calamari Press & Sleepingfish:
History of Luminous Motion by Scott Bradfield: Blue Velvet meets Oedipus Rex—Philip, a disillusioned and possibly psychopathic wunderkind, leads a Bonnie & Clyde existence with his increasingly despondent Mom before reluctantly settling down on the frayed fringes of suburbia. Then, like normalizing redemption, his affluent Dad arrives—only it’s not the sort of redemption Philip is prepared for. First published in 1989, this long-neglected cult classic features revisions and a new afterword by the author. “If you spot it, grab it.”—J.G. Ballard
Sleepingfish 12 features work by Dmitry Babenko, James Wagner, Gary Lutz, Julie Reverb, Aaron Apps, Nick Francis Potter, The Brothers Goat, Adam Moorad, Paul Maliszewski, Scott Bradfield, Joel Kopplin, Zachary Scott Hamilton, Marguerite W. Sullivan, Kim Chinquee, Nance Van Winckel, James Grinwis, Rosaire Appel, Chiara Barzini, Daryl Scroggins, Norman Lock, Guy Beining, John Olson, Ali Aktan Askin, Miranda Mellis, Andrei Guruianu, Michael Allen Zell, Tim Keane & Robert Corless, Mel Bosworth & Ryan Ridge, Angela Stubbs, Wendy Collin Sorin, Amy Albracht, Elizabeth Mikesch, Peter Markus, Sturnus Vulgaris, Jason Snyder, J’Lyn Chapman, Stephen Gropp-Hess, Jada Smiley, Michael Peters, Robert Lopez, Rob Walsh, Carlos M. Luis, Popahna Brandes, Aldo Bandinelli & Daisy Atterbury.
The Becoming (read early drafts in TSky Mag) is a steam punk retelling of the Romulus & Remus myth, set on the Oregon coast. Instead of two brothers, the she-wolf delivers a mixed litter of mongrel children & dogs, fathered by a rogue member of the Lewis & Clark expedition. The mixed liter are abandoned, left to their own devices to make sense—through language—of the savage land they inherit in the name of manifest destiny.