The terrifying Judy Byington. Photo by James Roh, Utah Daily Herald.
Tipped off by a TSky fan who knows our love for all things related to “satanic ritual abuse,” we’re delighted to find the genre’s most recent author, Judy Byington, is the requisite caliber of batshit insane. We look forward to commissioning a review of her god-awful book. In the meantime, visit
Ritual-Abuse Child Porn & the Many Faces of Mental Illness in the Work of Judy Byington : Examining paraphilia, pornography, and ethical and legal issues in the work of Twenty-Two Faces author and Utah-based private therapist Judy Byington (LCSW), who claims expert knowledge of global Satanic cults; multiple personalities / dissociative identity disorder as a form of Nazi-based “mind control programming”; divine instruction and intervention; levitation; and the ritual abuse, rape, torture, and sacrifice of thousands of children across the world.