If you are interested in reviewing a title below, please drop us a line with your mailing address and let us know where we can read other reviews of yours, etc. Email reviews[at] tarpaulinsky[dot]com and include “Attn: Review Editors” in the subject line.
A full list of available titles may be found here.
Publishers (or authors), please send review copies to Tarpaulin Sky Press, PO Box 189, Grafton, VT 05146.
Aaron Apps, Dear Herculine (Ahsahta Press 2015)
Laura Bylenok, a/0 (New Michigan Press 2014)
Sandra Doller, Leave Your Body Behind (Les Figues 2015)
Denver Quarterly, Vol.49, no.2, 2015
eccolinguistics, January 2015
Mark Holden, No One Wants to Live Here (New Michigan Press 2014)
Jessica Johnson, In Absolutes We Seek Each Other (New Michigan Press 2014)
Lance Phillips, Mimer (Ahsahta Press 2015)
Khaty Xiong, Deer Hour (New Michigan Press 2014)