Noah Saterstrom is a visual artist and web designer who, among other things, works with writers on text/image collaborations (Kate Bernheimer, Anne Waldman, Noah Eli Gordon & Joshua Marie Wilkinson, et al), and is the founder and curator of the brilliant, multimedia, multigenre Trickhouse.
Noah has even been so kind as to collaborate with Tarpaulin Sky Press on numerous projects — book covers for Jenny Boully’s not merely because of the unknown that was stalking toward them, Shelly Taylor’s Black-Eyed Heifer, and Gordon Massman’s Essential Numbers; the cover of Tarpaulin Sky Issue #17; the cover and feature art for Issue #10; and both the illustrations and cover art for Noah Eli Gordon’s and Joshua Marie Wilkinson’s Figures for a Darkroom Voice.
Noah’s continually-updated “Work-a-Day” collection is always worth a visit — particularly for its legions of spooky children —

“Carte de Visite #4” — which Noah describes as “a continuation of a loosey goosey study of cartes de visite at the New York Public Library and the history of first communion photographs. In this one, the sitter (or stander) is visited by lavender orbs and a playful flower arrangement….”
Recently, however, the “Work-a-Day” has begun to feature paintings of famous people. By which we mean, people that even poets might recognize.
Writes Noah:
I’m endeavoring to make a portrait a day of ‘people of note’ – loosely defined – artists, writers, thinkers, actors, scientists, muppets, astronauts; you know, it’s pretty free form. A study in likenesses.
Because he isn’t busy enough, he is also taking requests: “Feel free to email them to me ([email protected]) and I’ll add them to the list.”