New for February at Tarpaulin Sky, Shira Dentz curates reviews, an interview, and a tribute.
Melanie Jordan’s Hallelujah for the Ghosties reviewed by Barbara Duffey.
Ander Monson’s Letter to a Future Lover reviewed by Kelly Lydick.
Nicholas Mosley’s Metamorphosis reviewed by Michael Mejia.
Wendy S. Walters’ Multiply/Divide reviewed by Aisha Sabatini Sloan.
Tom Williams’ Among the Wild Mulattos reviewed by Matthew Kirkpatrick.
Marina Zurkow’s The Petroleum Manga reviewed by Michael McLane.
Nathan Meltz and Shira Dentz interview Tomm Moore.
The late Stephen Rodefer is paid tribute by Martin Corless-Smith.
Shira Dentz is the author of black seeds on a white dish (Shearsman), and door of thin skins (CavanKerry), and two chapbooks, Leaf Weather(Shearsman), and Flounders, forthcoming from Essay Press. Her writing has appeared widely including in The American Poetry Review, The Iowa Review, New American Writing, jubilat, Lana Turner, and Western Humanities Review, and featured in The Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day series, NPR, OmniVerse, Poetry Daily, and Verse Daily. She is the recipient of an Academy of American Poets’ Prize, the Poetry Society of America’s Lyric Poem and Cecil Hemley Memorial Awards, Electronic Poetry Review’s Discovery Award, and Painted Bride Quarterly’s Poetry Prize. She teaches creative writing at Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, and has been Drunken Boat’s Reviews Editor since 2011. More about her writing can be found at