If you are interested in reviewing a title, please drop us a line with your mailing address, and let us know where we can read other reviews of yours, etc. Email reviews[at] tarpaulinsky[dot]com and include “Attn: Review Editors” in the subject line. Publishers (or authors), please send review copies to Tarpaulin Sky Press, PO Box 189, Grafton, VT 05146. A full list of available titles may be found here.
A…N, Autohagiography (gnOme books 2014)
Derek Beaulieu, Kern (Les Figue Press 2014)
Shane Book, Congotronic (University of Iowa Press 2014)
eccolinguistics, September 2014
Jennifer Firestone, Flashes (Shearsman Books 2013)
Anna Halberstadt, Vilnius Diary (Box Turtle Press 2014)
Pseudo-Leopardi, Cantos for the Crestfallen (gnOme books 2014)
Matt Runkle, The Story of How All Animals Are Equal & Other Tales (Brooklyn Arts Press 2014)