We couldn’t find a photo of Scott Walker enjoying a transvaginal ultrasound, so we went with an TS editor’s baby pic instead.
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of a new section at TS Magazine: “In Utero,” featuring excerpts from finalist manuscripts for the 2015 TS Book Prize. We feel confident these little monsters will be published by various smart presses in the near future, and we are doing our part to play midwife to that eventuality.
We’ve kicked off “In Utero” with poems from Jessica Baran’s Common Sense, Emily Martin’s Routine & Leisure, and C.J. Waterman’s My Teary TV Breakdown, along with the previously-published Psychic Privates, by Kim Vodicka, and Silence for the Rest of Class, from Felicia Zamora.
Over the coming days we aim to include work from Mark Baumer, James Belflower, Annette C. Boehm, Laynie Browne, Marty Cain, Emily Carr, Daniel Carter, Geneva Chao, J’Lyn Chapman, Jennifer S. Cheng, John Colasacco, Paul Cunningham, Aja Couchois Duncan, Alexandra Dillard, Andy Fitch, Sandy Florian, Christine Friedlander, Lara Glenum, Elizabeth Hall, Ally Harris, Megin Jimenez, Jared Joseph, Drew Kalbach, Jacqueline Kari, Brian Kubarycz, Rachel Levy, Jane Lewty, Alexis Orgera, Colin Post, Michael Rerick, Vanessa Roveto, Lauren Russell, Ben Segal, MR Sheffield, Cindy St. John, Dennis James Sweeney, Catherine Theis, Amy Thomas, Genya Turovskaya, Kim Vodicka, Arisa White, Angela Veronica Wong, Elisabeth Workman, and Candice Wuehle.