If you come away from the following short film thinking, “Can I be next to die?” then perhaps you’ve missed the point.
Or, perhaps, you’re moi.
In which case, you should try to improve yourself. Posthaste.
Read these essays for starters: Vanessa Place’s essay, “Poetry is dead, I killed it,” introduced by Kenneth Goldsmith, at the Poetry Foundation. Read also Marjorie Perloff’s “Poetry on the Brink: Reinventing the Lyric” at Boston Review. You may also want to read John Armstrong’s thoughts at Bebrowed.
Poetry Is Dead, I Killed It
Movie by Nick Flavin, Ben Rodkin, & Mathew Timmons.
Sound recorded by Sonia Parada.
Featuring Vanessa Place & Ben White.
Also appearing: Amanda Ackerman, Mashinka Firunts, Danny Snelson, Joy Decena, Teresa Carmody, Harold Abramowitz, Jackqueline Frost, Kim Calder, Andrea Quaid, Suzanne Adelman, Christopher Russell, Greg Curtis, & Stephen Van Dyck.