Please take a moment read the following, sent from Ana Božičević at Lost & Found, the CUNY Poetics Document Initiative at the Center for the Humanities.
Dear Friends,
The value of Lost & Found lies with the poets and editors who publish with us. Diane di Prima, beloved poet, finds herself facing medical expenses that have proven insurmountable. Writer, teacher, revolutionary, friend: di Prima has been essential to our efforts here at Lost & Found. We’d like to acknowledge the power of Diane by donating all proceeds of Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative purchased through December 20th toward her recovery.
Ammiel Alcalay, Diane di Prima, and Ana Božičević
Please help by:
Purchasing sets here:
Please note that you can also visit Diane’s donation page and donate directly:
Here you can also read details about Diane’s situation.
Diane di Prima is a major poet whose work spans from the 1950s to the present. She has written dozens of books including Memoirs of a Beatnik, Recollections of My Life As A Woman, Revolutionary Letters, and the on-going epic poem Loba. She was recently Poet Laureate of San Francisco and the subject of a film by Melanie La Rosa. Diane has one of the core faculty of the great and innovative New College Poetics Program in San Francisco, and also one of the original founding members of the Kerouac School at Naropa University, with Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman. She has taught many generations of poets.
Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative publishes original research and extra-poetic work (correspondences, journals, critical prose), based on primary sources and related to figures central to or associated with the New American Poetry.
To date, Lost & Found has published chapbooks by Amiri Baraka, Edward Dorn, Diane di Prima, Jack Spicer, Lorine Niedecker, Frank O’Hara, Kenneth Koch, Langston Hughes, Joanne Kyger, John Wieners, Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, Muriel Rukeyser, Robert Creeley, Nancy Cunard, Louise Thompson, Phillip Whalen, Margaret Randall, Micheal Rumaker and more.
We’re excited to share with you the new titles published in Series III:
Langston Hughes, Nancy Cunard & Louise Thompson: Poetry, Politics & Friendship in the Spanish Civil War
Lorine Niedecker: Homemade Poems
John Wieners & Charles Olson: Selected Correspondence (Parts I & II)
Diane di Prima: Charles Olson Memorial Lecture
Edward Dorn: The Olson Memorial Lectures
Michael Rumaker: Selected Letters
Letters to & from Joanne Kyger
[To which Tarpaulin Sky would like to add that Series I & II include the following:]
Barcelona, 1936: Selections from Muriel Rukeyser’s Spanish Civil War Archive
Diane di Prima: R.D.’s H.D.
Diane di Prima: The Mysteries of Vision: Some Notes on H.D.
From El Corno Emplumado/ The Plumed Horn: Selections
Jack Spicer’s Translation of Beowulf: Selections, Part I and II
Olson Memorial Lecture #4: Robert Duncan
Amiri Baraka & Edward Dorn: Selections from the Collected Letters 1959-1960
Darwin & The Writers: Muriel Rukeyser
Philip Whalen’s Journals: Selections 1957-1977 (Parts I and II)
The 1963 Vancouver Poetry Conference / Robert Creeley’s Contexts of Poetry with selections from Daphne Marlatt’s Journal Entries
The Correspondence of Kenneth Koch & Frank O’Hara 1955-1956 (Parts I and II)
Thank you so much, in advance, for your help! And please help us spread the word.
Lost & Found: the CUNY Poetics Document Initiative and The Center for the Humanities