If you are interested in reviewing a title, please drop us a line with your mailing address, and let us know where we can read other reviews of yours, etc. Email reviews[at] tarpaulinsky[dot]com and include “Attn: Review Editors” in the subject line. Publishers (or authors), please send review copies to Tarpaulin Sky Press, PO Box 189, Grafton, VT 05146. A full list of available titles may be found here.
Emily Abendroth, Exclosures (Ahsahta Press, 2014)
Iver Arnegard, Whip & Spur (Gold Line Press, 2014)
Erica Jo Brown, I’m Your Huckleberry (Brooklyn Arts Press, 2014)
John F. Buckley & Martin Ott, Yankee Broadcast Network (Brooklyn Arts Press, 2014)
Maria Chaudhuri, Beloved Stranger, A Memoir (Bloomsbury USA, 2014)
Joanna Penn Cooper, The Itinerant Girl’s Guide to Self-Hypnosis (Brooklyn Arts Press, 2014)
Elise Cowen, Poems and Fragments (Tony Triglio, Ed.; Ahsahta Press, 2014)
Stanley Crawford, Travel Notes (Calamari Press, 2014)
Laressa Dickey, Bottomland (Shearsman Books, 2014)
Brian Foley, The Constitution (Black Ocean, 2013)
Cynthia Marie Hoffman, Her Human Costume (Gold Line Press, 2014)
Chloe Honum, The Tulip-Flame (Cleveland State University Press, 2014)
Lauren Ireland, The Arrow (Coconut Books, 2014)
Bruno Jasienski, The Legs of Izolda Morgan (Twisted Spoon Press, 2014)
Laura Ellen Joyce, The Luminol Reels (Calamari Press, 2014)
Susan Lewis, How To Be Another (Cervena Barva Press, 2014)
rob mclennan, The Uncertainty Principle (Chaudiere Books, 2014)
Sawako Nakayasu, The Ants (Les Figues Press, 2014)
Redell Olsen, Film Poems (Les Figues Press, 2014)
Andrea Rexilius, Seance (Coconut Books, 2014)
Zach Savich, Century Swept Brutal (Black Ocean, 2013)
Steven Seidenberg, Itch (Raw Art Press, 2014)
Beth Steidle, The Static Herd (Calamari Press, 2014)
Paige Taggart, Or Replica (Brooklyn Arts Press, 2014)
T.C. Tolbert, Gephyromania (Ahsahta Press, 2014)
Touch the Donkey (above/ground press, 2014)
Max Winter, Walking Among Them (subpress, 2014)
Joshua Young, The Holy Ghost People (Plays Inverse Press, 2014)