Interviews| Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Interviews | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Vanessa Place interviewed by Eireene Nealand
After talking with former prisoners about how beside-the-point their presence in court felt; after being called up and not selected for jury duty; after wondering about the metaphysics of court trials Eireene Nealand wrote to Vanessa Place, a poet and defense appellate attorney, who specializes in sexual offense cases.
Urs Allemann interviewed by Elizabeth Hall
"Perhaps I even underestimated the 'Babyfucker' by minimizing for myself the antagonism between beauty and monstrosity. Monstrosity can’t be beautified away by skillful prose pirouettes. Beauty doesn’t sublate monstrosity. And today I understand much better those people who find that there’s nothing beautiful there, nothing at all, just a triumph of monstrosity. However: the fact that there were people who read the text in all seriousness as 'Confessions from the Life of a Pedophile' -- that baffles me to this day."
Kaisa Ullsvik Miller on Unspoiled Air, interviewed by M. Perel
Unspoiled Air Kaisa Ullsvik MillerFence Books, 2008ISBN: 9781934200124$15Interview by M. [...]
Illuminated Animation: an Interview With Tomm Moore
By Nathan Meltz and Shira Dentz. You know that you’re not watching a traditional kid’s movie when animated Jack Kirby-like Viking storm troopers murder an animated village of medieval Irish peasants.
Interview with Jan Clausen – Part 2
Part two of our interview with Jan Clausen, author of Veiled Spill: A Sequence (GenPop Books), one of the more important books of poetry published in the last year.
Interview with Jan Clausen – Part 1
Tarpaulin Sky is delighted to have the opportunity to interview "hostile" writer Jan Clausen, author of Veiled Spill: A Sequence, and author recently praised and admonished in American Poetry Review and The Rumpus respectively.
Letters to Bhanu Kapil
In 2010, Ching-In Chen asked Jai Arun Ravine to interview Bhanu Kapil for a speculative literature issue for Asian American Poetry and Writing. At the time, Bhanu was in India and unavailable for an interview, so she asked Lucas de Lima to answer Jai’s questions as an interpolate....