News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

What I’m Reading Now… by Alice Notley

Alice Notley discusses radiation treatments; five French titles in nonfiction and poetry, including Eros energumène, by Denis Roche; and re-reading Robert B. Parker, Ross Macdonald, Peter Lovesey, and Catherine Aird.

What I’m Reading Now … by Natanya Ann Pulley

Natanya Ann Pulley on Whereas, by Layli Longsoldier; “Women in the Fracklands,” by Toni Jenson; “Nádleehí: One Who Changes,” by Byron Aspaas; Bruja, by Wendy C. Ortiz; Descent, by Tim Johnston; The Black Panther, by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Brian Stelfreeze; The Warren, by Brian Evenson; and We Were Meant To Be A Gentle People, by Dao Strom.

What I’m Reading Now … by Jaswinder Bolina

Jaswinder Bolina discusses the incoming administration, Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Kathryn Nuernberger's The End of Pink, Victoria Chang's The Boss, Patrick Rosal's Boneshepherds, Matthew Olzmann's Contradictions in the Design, and more.

What I’m Reading Now… by Gabriel Blackwell

Gabriel Blackwell discusses E.M. Cioran's The Trouble with Being Born, Gene Wolfe's Peace, John McPhee's Annals of the Former World, Sun Yung Shin's Unbearable Splendor, Edouard Levé's Works, and Teresa Carmody's Maison Femme.

What I’m Reading Now… by Khaty Xiong

Khaty Xiong discusses Larry Levis’s Selected; Ocean Vuong’s Night Sky with Exit Wounds; Kenji Liu’s Map of an Onion; Li-Young Lee’s The City in Which I Love You; and Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib’s The Crown Ain’t Worth Much.

What I’m Reading Now… by Carolyn Guinzio

Carolyn Guinzio on Night Loop, by Kostas Anagnopoulos; Citizen, by Claudia Rankine; They Who Saw the Deep, by Geraldine Monk; Milk & Filth, by Carmen Giménez Smith; You Ask Me to Talk About the Interior, by Carolina Ebeid; Lore, by Davis McCombs; Reproduction of Profiles, by Rosmarie Waldrop; Whereas, by Layli Long Soldier; and more.

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