News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Nathalie Stephens’s We Press Ourselves Plainly reviewed by J. Mae Barizo
Nathalie StephensWe Press Ourselves PlainlyISBN 978-0-9844598-0-35" x 7" | 120 [...]
Shira Dentz’s black seeds on a white dish reviewed by Jenny Gropp Hess
Shira Dentzblack seeds on a white dishShearsman Books, 2010ISBN: 18486112856"x9" [...]
Jennifer L. Knox’s The Mystery of the Hidden Driveway reviewed by Kat Good-Schiff
[Best poetry book cover in 2010? --Eds.]Jennifer L. KnoxThe Mystery [...]
D.J. Dolack’s 12 Poems reviewed by Raina Lauren Fields
D.J. Dolack, 12 PoemsD.J. Dolack12 PoemsEye For An Iris Press, [...]
Tarpaulin Sky announces picks from Chapbook Open Reading Period
Tarpaulin Sky Press is delighted to announce that it has chosen not one but two chapbooks from the 2010 reading period: Claire Hero's "Dollyland," and Paula Koneazny's "Installation," which will be published in 2012.
Lucy Ives’s Anamnesis reviewed by Broc Rossell
Lucy Ives Anamnesis Slope Editions, 2009ISBN 9780977769841Pbk., 83 pp.Reviewed by [...]
K. Lorraine Graham’s Terminal Humming reviewed by Joe Atkins
K. Lorraine GrahamTerminal HummingEdge Books, 2009ISBN: 9781890311315Paperback$16Reviewed by Joe AtkinsThere’s [...]
Samuel Amadon’s Like A Sea reviewed by Joe Atkins
Samuel AmadonLike A SeaIowa Poetry Prize SeriesUniversity of Iowa Press, [...]
Travis Cebula’s Under the Sky They Lit Cities reviewed by Nancy Stohlman
Travis CebulaUnder the Sky They Lit CitiesBlazeVOX Books, 2010PoetryISBN: 9781609640255Paperback, [...]
Lisa Marie Basile’s Apocryphal reviewed by Lisa A. Flowers
Lisa A. Flowers reviews Lisa Marie Basile’s Apocryphal (Noctuary) via Kenneth Anger, the Brothers Grimm, David Lynch, Edna St. Vincent Millay, the Song of Solomon, et al. "A book whose images gleam like jewels poured down a long black hole."
rem incredibilem rati: Books Received & Available for Review
7 paperbacks & a corner-stapled lit mag from Box Turtle, Brooklyn Arts, eccolinguistics, gnOme, Les Figues, Shearsman, and University of Iowa.
Grammar: An Essay by Kristina Marie Darling
Via texts by Hanna Andrews, Inger Christensen, and Thalia Field (with Abigail Lang), Kristina Marie Darling explores how one might "speak outside the confines of grammar, without performing the familiar 'ceremony' of creating order and coherence."
ego patronus exstiti: Plinth II
There is no jot of Plinth that is not necessary. If you felt a little something extra in the air this Equinox, that was the birth of Issue #2: Brad Baumgartner, Sarah Fox, Jamalieh Haley, Laura Ellen Joyce, Peter O'Leary, Aimee Parkison, David Peak, Eugene Thacker, and TS's own dark star, Johannes Göransson.
Kate Durbin’s E! Entertainment Reviewed by Lisa A. Flowers
Lisa A. Flowers reviews Kate Durbin's E! Entertainment by way of Sharon Tate, Joan Didion, TS Eliot, Shirley Jackson, Anais Nin, Rilke, David Lynch, Pier Paolo Pasolini, et al. "The bigger question E begs, perhaps, is the question of what 'evidence' is at all."
Four Things We Read at Fanzine…
after reading Jeff Jackson's brilliant interview with TS author Joyelle McSweeney and then scrolling around and thinking Wow, Fanzine publishes a lot of good stuff. Including a lot of work by women. Weird and witchy women. Hell yeah.