News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Aaron Belz’s Lovely, Raspberry reviewed by Joseph Harrington
Aaron BelzLovely, Raspberry: PoemsISBN 978-0-89255-359-4Persea Books, 201080 pages, pbk.$15Reviewed by [...]
John Dermot Woods’s The Complete Collection of people, places and things reviewed by Lindsey Drager
.John Dermot WoodsThe Complete Collection of people, places and thingsBlazeVOX, [...]
Joseph Massey’s Areas of Fog reviewed by Elizabeth Moore
Joseph MasseyAreas of FogShearsman Books, 2009ISBN: 9781848610521Paperback, 116 pages$16.00Reviewed by [...]
Feminaissance reviewed by Megan Milks
FeminaissanceEdited by Christine WertheimPoetry | Prose | Essays | $20ISBN [...]
On Kristen Nelson’s and Noah Saterstrom’s “Ghosty” (Drunken Boat, 2010)
The Fictions of Memory ( / Loss), "Getting It Right," [...]
Twofer Tuesday: Travis Macdonald’s N7ostradamus reviewed by Charles Freeland and by Michael Leong
.Travis MacdonaldN7ostradamusBlazeVOX [books] (2010)ISBN: 978-1-60964-009-5168 pagesReviewed by Charles Freeland A [...]
Brandon Downing’s Lake Antiquity reviewed by Lucy Ives
Brandon DowningLake AntiquityFence Books, 2009182 pp. full color, 9"x11"Reviewed by [...]
Arkadii Dragomoshenko’s Dust, Reviewed by John Muckle
Arkadii DragomoshenkoDustDalkey Archive Press 200894pp, pb, $10.95Reviewed by John Muckle [...]
Dora Malech’s Shore Ordered Ocean Reviewed By Gregory Lawless
Shore Ordered OceanBy Dora MalechThe Waywiser Press 2009Reviewed By Gregory [...]
me vocas ad scribendum: Books Received & Available for Review
21 books from Action, Ahsahta, belladonna, Black Ocean, BlazeVox, Bloof, Brooklyn Arts, Calamari, Dusie, Fence, Les Figues, Octopus / Tin House, Ugly Duckling, and University of Arizona.
Arianne Zwartjes’ Detailing Trauma: A Poetic Anatomy reviewed by Lindsey Drager
"[V]isceral resistance to the text says more about the reader than the writer—the body’s failure, an inevitability we spend most our lives trying to conveniently forget, is one we often find ourselves blindsided by because we do not put our mortality at the forefront of our days."
Kristina Darling’s and Carol Guess’s X Marks the Dress: A Registry reviewed by Tyler Mills
"[A] fascinating dialogue ... between the authors, between traditional and experimental forms, and between desires that cannot be contained within the roles so often assigned to gender."
Chris Tysh’s Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic reviewed by Mark Kerstetter
We gain by this a taut, measured and beautiful poem constructed from the symphony of black, poisoned and rejected flowers that make up the living body of Genet’s novel, that are indeed the reason for its very existence.
Carina Finn’s Lemonworld & other poems reviewed by Jeffrey Hecker
sunny winter – hide your eyes! / monday ashes chernobyl child. / lost: jupiter marilyn knit cardigan / leaving flying propane nightmares./kaboom!/let me play the violin for you....
Noted: Elena Georgiou & Bhanu Kapil
Elena Georgiou has a lovely new website--where, among other things, she responds to questions from Bhanu Kapil in addition to taking questions from the "general public" for what appears to be a sort of prose-poem agony column (as the Brits call it).