News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Two Reviews of Kate Durbin’s Kept Women

By the end of Kept Women, Durbin successfully changes the viewing activity of reality-as-entertainment into an active reading of trauma, or post-trauma. Readers become increasingly self-aware as the speaker’s emotional detachment from the scenes feels tensely at odds with the negated inhabitants. The women’s physical bodies are acutely absent from the poems, as if the speaker is treating a fresh crime scene like a museum tour.

Gabe Durham’s Fun Camp reviewed by Joe Sacksteder

Its advice works if you’re interested in clawing your way into the lit journal world: 'Remember, you campers with less personality, it really is a numbers game – if you write enough notes, you’re gonna get a reply. Even telemarketers make a sale now and then.'

Chaps from Ricochet Editions available for review

Ricochet's entry into the chapbook scene comes by way of three titles -- Bradley Harrison's Diorama of a People, Burning; Matthew Kirkpatrick's The Exiles; and Glenn Shaheen's Unchecked Savagery --each of which exudes its own organic form.

Books received & available for review

14 books, 12 authors, 11 presses. Carrie Olivia Adams, Michael S. Begnal, James Belflower, Amina Cain, Jack Collom, T. Zachary Cotler, Peter Davis, Kate Greenstreet, Brian Henry, M. Kasper, Ethan Paquin, and Kim Rosenfield; published by Ahsahta Press, Black Scat Books, Bloof Books, Denver Quarterly, Insert Press, Instance Press, Salmon Poetry, Salt Publishing, SpringGun Press, Ugly Duckling Presse, and Verse.

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