Nonfiction | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Nonfiction | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
M. Forajter’s “Ars Necrotica”: Technicolor Death Dress
Ecological terrorism, dying planets, our legacy as human beings; Chicago and leaded soil and tigers and beautiful things we ruin on purpose; the Chernobyl nuclear accident and its wider cultural impacts and denial; scientists and research and the name Dr. Mousseau; the death of Hae Min Lee, a teenager from Baltimore, MD, who was brutally killed in the winter of 1999.
“Liminal Spaces”: nonfiction by Kelsey Inouye
"A therapist once suggested you write phrases on an index card, instructing you to read them whenever you start to obsess over food or experience the guilt that often follows a slice of birthday cake." — Kelsey Inouye
Original Obsessions: “Late Morning When the World Burns” by Shamala Gallagher
Original Obsessions seeks to discover the origins of writerly curiosity -- the gestation and development of these imaginings -- focusing on early fixations that burrowed into an author's psyche and that reappear in their current book. In this installment, Tarpaulin Sky interviews Shamala Gallagher, author of Late Morning When the World Burns.
“The Straight Story”: nonfiction by Julia Madsen
"Some crimes never resolve themselves but go on for miles before disappearing into the vanishing point" -- Julia Madsen explores her family's legacy and the intersection of true crime, intergenerational trauma, and the Midwestern Gothic.
“Nine Nevada Depressions”: Nonfiction by Kelly Krumrie
"The road extends westward like a ray, and from far away, from miles, a bright light: fine, white-yellow, on the side of the highway. The light grows: an orb in the distance, a star, a UFO, a small sun."
“[Dragging the real],” nonfiction by AM Ringwalt
"Memoirs are performances of memory. To choreograph memory, you have to be lucid enough to move with it, to bend to it, to place yourself before it and know there’s always more to learn."
M. Forajter’s “Ars Necrotica”: I want to take photos of everyone in the grocery store wearing their plague masks
"Plague-world means something more than catastrophe; plague-world is now the embodiment of all my dreams of infections and art-making." - M. Forajter
M. Forajter’s “Ars Necrotica”: A Pandemic Earth Day & the Uncanny
"My husband hears the birds and the sunshine and the gentle growling of the wind through the trees as normal, while I hear it as a threat. This is what the anthropocene has done to my perception of nature; it has been made unrecognizable." - M. Forajter
M. Forajter’s “Ars Necrotica”: Technicolor Death Dress
Ecological terrorism, dying planets, our legacy as human beings; Chicago and leaded soil and tigers and beautiful things we ruin on purpose; the Chernobyl nuclear accident and its wider cultural impacts and denial; scientists and research and the name Dr. Mousseau; the death of Hae Min Lee, a teenager from Baltimore, MD, who was brutally killed in the winter of 1999.
“Liminal Spaces”: nonfiction by Kelsey Inouye
"A therapist once suggested you write phrases on an index card, instructing you to read them whenever you start to obsess over food or experience the guilt that often follows a slice of birthday cake." — Kelsey Inouye