Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Marthe Reed: poem from After Swann
to desire
more placid
these autochthonous
how many times
more excruciating
Dennis Etzel Jr.: poems from My Secret Wars of 1984
And suddenly somebody says, "Oh, it's got to be up there, and it's Star Wars," and so forth, says Ronald Reagan. And the experience of using it, which includes the experience of understanding it, either as speech or as writing, is inevitably active. And I fail to protect my eight-year-old sister from the night.
George Kalamaras: poem from Scraps of Said
Of a vestment wrapped
around the wrong tree.
Of wild dogs gorging
the bone. Of a mirror
following me dream to
dream, several lifetimes at a time.
Brandi Homan: from Strange Fish Something Fierce
"One fish, two fish, strange fish, new fish. // You, elegy. Chords on drums, mismatched socks. This is my secret. Low action, bright strings. // I’m sorry but I ate all your cheese. This is not an effeminate love poem. Nasty, everlastingly—"
Jessica Smith: poems from mnemotechnics
[…] rewrite perception / do not harken to nature, / what I discover by walking, / looking up at kerned birds / on powerlines / all this information / does it pertain […]
John Sakkis: Poems from Rave On!
All I know is that I no longer fear extraterrestrials because they consider us a protected species like we protect rare species of animals on Earth, and that’s pretty cool!
Jane Lewty, Mistune
Excerpts from Jane Lewty’s poetry manuscript, Mistune, a project where the industrial decline of a city is registered polyvocally. It traces how a regional accent is lost, found, and lost again via certain methods, such as recalling the soundscape of 1990s dance music...." A finalist for the 2015 TS Book Prize.
Annette C. Boehm, The Knowledge Weapon
"Accidents are happening / everywhere to everyone; / it’s a wonderful time to be alive." Excerpts from Annette C. Boehm’s poetry manuscript, The Knowledge Weapon, a finalist for the 2015 Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize.
Daniel Carter, Miller’s Ridge: Seasons 1-7
"Despite its comic affectations and slapstick plays for ratings, the Los Angeles Times has declared the season’s heart 'pure Miller’s Ridge,' its core struggle 'a personal grudge match with emotional roots that trail back five seasons.'" Excerpts from Daniel Carter’s poetry manuscript, Miller's Ridge, a finalist for the 2015 TS Book Prize.
Jessica Baran, Common Sense
"Sense is rarely made when plummeting. Some directions / are never foreseeable, like the bitterness parade / in which speech undresses." Excerpts from Jessica Baran’s poetry manuscript, Common Sense, a finalist for the 2015 TS Book Prize.