Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Tarpaulin Sky Issue #13 Print Issue #1 / Fall 2007
Featuring work by Rosa Alcalá, Samuel Amadon, Lucy Anderton, Claire Becker, Cara Benson, Ilya Bernstein, Joseph Bradshaw, Popahna Brandes, Daniel Brenner, Lily Brown, Julie Carr, Laura Carter, Jon Christensen, Heather Christle, John Cotter & Shafer Hall, Patrick Culliton, John Deming, Sean Thomas Dougherty, Danielle Dutton, Sandy Florian, Hillary Gravendyk, Annie Guthrie, Brent Hendricks, Anna Maria Hong, John Hyland, Lucy Ives, Karla Kelsey, Steve Langan, Barbara Maloutas, Sarah Mangold, Justin Marks, Teresa K. Miller, Jefferson Navicky, Bryson Newhart, Nadia Nurhussein, Thomas O'Connell, Caryl Pagel, Nate Pritts, Elizabeth Robinson, F. Daniel Rzicznek, Spencer Selby, Brandon Shimoda, Lytton Smith, Sampson Starkweather, Mathias Svalina, Jen Tynes, Prabhakar Vasan, Della Watson, Theodore Worozbyt, Bethany Wright, and Kristen Yawitz.
Tarpaulin Sky Online Literary Journal Issue #12 / Spring-Summer 2007
Edited by Rebecca Brown. Featuring responses to images by Nancy Kiefer, by Laird Hunt, John Yau, Frances McCue, Lucy Corin, Douglas A. Martin, Suzanne Oliver, Amy Halloran, Camille Dungy, Rebecca Brown, Selah Saterstrom, Brian Evenson, Joanna Howard, and Chris Abani.
Tarpaulin Sky Online Literary Journal Issue #11 / Fall-Winter 2006-07
Edited by Selah Saterstrom. Featuring Matthea Harvey, Bin Ramke, Eleni Sikelianos, Bushwick Farms, Jindrich Štyrský, Clear Cut Press, Robert Glück, Danielle Dutton, Lisa Robertson, Laird Hunt, Elizabeth Rollins, Joan Fiset, Tama Baldwin & Noah Saterstrom, Rebecca Brown, Chris Kraus, Brian Kiteley, Peter Markus, Leisure Projects, and Cynthia Ona Innis.
Tarpaulin Sky Online Literary Journal Issue #10 / Spring-Summer 2006
Featuring work by Benjamin Buchholz, Justin Lacour, Michael Rerick, Matt Hart, Ethan Paquin, Jonah Winter, Carolyn Guinzio, James Wagner, Geoffrey Detrani, Elena Rivera, Shira Dentz, Kristi Maxwell, Coralie Reed, Ramsey Scott, Robyn Art, Clay Matthews, Mark Cunningham, Julie Doxsee, Max Winter, Kari Edwards, & a feature on work by CUNY undergrads Jon Christensen, Caroline Ashby, Raina Washington, Erinn Moran, Marianne Choi, and Sarah Roberts.
Tarpaulin Sky Literary Journal Issue #9 / Fall-Winter 2005-06
Featuring work by Jesus Aguado, Electa Arenal, Julie Carr, Jan Clausen, Josh Corey, Michael Costello, Barbara DeCesare, Joan Fiset, Sandy Florian, Beatrix Gates, Ada Limon, Paul McCormick, Joyelle McSweeney, Amanda Nadelberg, Daniel Nester, Mark O’Neil, Francis Raven, Andrew Roberts, Laura Sims, Cody Walker, Joshua Marie Wilkinson, and Max Winter.
Tarpaulin Sky Online Literary Journal Issue #8B / Spring-Summer 2005
Featuring Juliana Spahr, Robyn Art, Jeff Encke, Rebecca Gopian, Annalynn Hammond, Daniel Kane, Joyelle McSweeney, Cheryl Pallant, Steve Timm, Sasha Watson, Jane Sprague, Jonathan Skinner, Gregory Euclide.
Poems by Maia Elgin
Lodged in the Speciman’s trachea, his legs melt, his antennae melt, all his segments melt, and his mandible too. Even his ideals melt and his surreptitious preconceptions. His ice-caps, his caddywhompus, and his heartbeat melt. All his hookers and all his hipsters. His leaf bites and his egg-life. His mindfulness and his fluster melt. His proboscis & balls, his eardrums, his toes, his cilia, his superciliousness....
Poem by Paul Siegell
What happens when through a wormhole a gravestone passes? / Does it matter how fit the biography? Arc, longevity in a time / warp? How many other people know your name, or image, or / oeuvre?
Poems by Tony Mancus & Michael Rerick
Another stretch of no motion. Wait for it to start, they both said and the plan was easy to act out. They cordoned off territory, laid still with the dust that walls made, and confused comfort with setting or a programmable box. Their hairs were lengthened and cut. Their bodies could fabricate warmth, could actualize and forcibly enter this plan like a rental.
Poems by Laura Kochman
This is the science of bodies: the shape and the frame, the altogether. The not. The soft part stretching over the hard form. Leaving a little bone behind, the body the occupied or the body the occupier.