Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Tarpaulin Sky Online Literary Journal Issue #2 / Spring 2003
Featuring work by Aimee Bender, Michael Boyko, Steven Cramer, William Doreski, Eric Falci, Joan Larkin, Mickle Maher, Jack Marshall, Peter Morris, Greg Norton, Kelley Pilgrim, Anthony Robinson, Robin Romm, Kenneth Rosen, Martha Silano, Paul A. Toth. With paintings by Sophia Warsh.
Tarpaulin Sky Online Literary Journal Issue #1/ Winter 2002-03
Featuring work by Barry Gifford, Louis Jenkins, Tony Eprile, Anne Winters, Julianna Spallholz, Dag T. Straumsvåg, David Beavers, Al Camp, Chad Davidson, Barbara DeCesare, Barbara Diehl, Kelly Elayne, Jeff Friedman, Paul Pekin, John Philpin, Kenneth Rosen, Mark Turpin, Connie Wanek, Lytonya Wename, Kelley White.
Poems by Jessica Bozek
Once upon a recent time, a very powerful nation attempted to destroy another nation via a military mission deceptively named Operation Sleep. The very powerful nation succeeded, but for a single inexplicable survivor, known to those unmarked as The Lone Survivor. This book includes his story and many versions of what may or may not be the same story.
Poems by Robert Cole & Juliet Cook
They dig themselves out of the loam. / They kneel fast to the tether stone. / Cult cinema of leg braces and implants flushed // down the toilet again. Keep one (a)breast / and then switch hit her middle / name to Shape Shift....
Poems by Christina Mengert
I want to give everything to you (balloons, umbrellas, words, words), but I am confused by the physiology of arms; to use them as levers. To do with them the work of gifting, the arms themselves must become part of the economy they service. Take these coins from out my eyes: love, love, invisible love.
Poems by Debora Lidov
Baby Boy with necrotizing enterocolitis three inches viable gut. Baby of maternal diabetes, maternal fever, maternal utox, maternal HIV. Baby of domestic violence. Baby Boy they were trying for a girl this time. Baby Girl they were hoping for a boy. Baby the father’s Indo-Caribbean side will not accept your blackness. Baby intubated, brain dead on arrival, mother seized and expired prior induction.