Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Poems by Daniel Carter
Jane sings him a lovely death, an episode- / long aria. Like karaoke in an empty room, Jane’s scenes / have an audience of one, and her operatic seasons / play on lonely, basement VHS: rows of episodes / collected in battered boxes, bloody death scenes / on the front. Desperate, Jane needs these seasons— // as seasons need episodes, and episodes love scenes— / and death scenes make the best episodes and seasons.
Laura Carter: poems from What the Sun Thought
The young ones see the crimes. We see each other fall, climb, men thorn, women thorn, the book is into text now, the way a child (sees) is not (whole), was never once, Larkin’s tragedy, who fucked it up, where is restraint, a baby is burning, whose thorns, were you once a rose, who risen (none)....
Stefania Irene Marthakis: poems from A Filmmaker’s Handbook
When it happens it sounds like English. After it looks like Greek and when I write it down it comes out in certain colors which contain many languages.
Travis Cebula: poems from Sustained
who will wait to sort a singular shard from so many. any. more. and if not found will the black soil stick forever. and will meaning be lost when cleaned from its dream. and will this mass grave be big enough for words.