Fiction | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Fiction | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Ron L. Estrada: Excerpt from “The Wind, Then Turn From It”
"bring me up where my breath will pass in a rapid staccato like it does when first walking out into the freshness of a cold morning, nearly a gasp, then skybound, where my breathing will rhythmically slow and I’ll be light and curled." - Ron Estrada
“Summer Thighs”: Fiction by Elle Nash
"I wanted to fuck god or I wanted to fuck something else that wanted me on my knees, looking up."
“Conversation of a Girl and Death”: fiction by Emma Claire Foley
"Always on the edge of my mind you’ve been a dog, a dog in the house of love who tries its hardest to negate with its own being."
“A Pinker Pink”: fiction by Shantal Jeewon Kim
"I dreamed the same dream again, my sight blinded with pink, but this time when it covered my sight it started to turn red. And there was the dead flamingo."
Julia Brennan, excerpt from “Hunting Season”
"He was my teacher. He was teaching me how to be explicit in my work, and in his bed, we were doing very explicit things. Secretly, he and I slept in a sunroom in the back of his house, and I called him mother and he called me child. It was an incest game we played." — from Julia Brennan's Hunting Season, co-winner of the 2019 Tarpaulin Sky Book Awards.
Vincent James, excerpt from “Doomsday”
"We’d never been kept out past dusk. Never bottomed out to transcendent panorama. Never thrived in the unholy glower of the mountain-perched bighorns." — from Vincent James' Doomsday, shortlisted for the 2019 Tarpaulin Sky Book Awards.
Ron L. Estrada: Excerpt from “The Wind, Then Turn From It”
"bring me up where my breath will pass in a rapid staccato like it does when first walking out into the freshness of a cold morning, nearly a gasp, then skybound, where my breathing will rhythmically slow and I’ll be light and curled." - Ron Estrada
“Summer Thighs”: Fiction by Elle Nash
"I wanted to fuck god or I wanted to fuck something else that wanted me on my knees, looking up."
“Conversation of a Girl and Death”: fiction by Emma Claire Foley
"Always on the edge of my mind you’ve been a dog, a dog in the house of love who tries its hardest to negate with its own being."
“A Pinker Pink”: fiction by Shantal Jeewon Kim
"I dreamed the same dream again, my sight blinded with pink, but this time when it covered my sight it started to turn red. And there was the dead flamingo."