News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Renee Gladman’s Event Factory reviewed by Paula Koneazny
Renee GladmanEvent FactoryDorothy, a publishing project, 2010ISBN 978-0-9844693-0-7 Paperback, 136pp., [...]
Cara Benson’s (made) reviewed by Julie Joosten
Cara Benson(made)ISBN 9781897388563 72 pp., 5.5" x 8.5", pbk. BookThug, [...]
Michael Gizzi’s New Depths of Deadpan reviewed by Patrick Dunagan
Michael GizziNew Depths of DeadpanISBN13: 978-1-886224-96-4Poetry, 72 pp., offset, smyth-sewn [...]
Macgregor Card’s Duties of an English Foreign Secretary reviewed by Robert Mueller
Macgregor CardDuties of an English Foreign SecretaryISBN 978-1-934200-29-2 6" x [...]
Brenda Iijima’s If Not Metamorphic reviewed by Patrick Dunagan
Brenda IijimaIf Not MetamorphicISBN-13 978-1-934103-10-46" x 8", 128 pages, pbk.Ahsahta [...]
Elena Fanailova’s The Russian Version reviewed by Katie Eberhart
The Russian VersionElena FanailovaTranslated by Genya Turovskaya and Stephanie SandlerIntroduction [...]
Peter Waterhouse’s Language Death Night Outside, Poem Novel reviewed by Katie Eberhart
Language Death Night Outside, Poem Novel Peter WaterhouseTranslated by Rosmarie [...]
Olga Tokarczuk’s Primeval and Other Times reviewed by Katie Eberhart
Primeval and Other Times Olga TokarczukTranslated from the Polish by [...]
Julie Carr’s Sarah—Of Fragments and Lines, reviewed by Megan Burns
Julie CarrSarah—Of Fragments and LinesCoffeehouse Press, 2010ISBN: 978-1-56689-251-36x9, 74pps$16Reviewed by [...]
praeclare facta: Books Received & Available for Review
25 books from Ahsahta, Brooklyn Arts, Calamari, Coconut, Cutbank, Denver Quarterly, Fourteen Hills, Geargetown Review, Les Figues, Monkey Puzzle, New Issues, Noemi, Ricochet, Solid Objects, Spuyten Duyvil, Tin House, Verse, and White Pine Press.
iamne vides quantum tenuis natura valere possit, ubi est coniuncta gravi cum corpore, ut aer coniunctus terris et nobis est animi vis?
Received & Available: 26 books from Ahsahta, Black Ocean, Brooklyn Arts, Cervena Barva, Chaudiere, Cleveland State, Gold Line, Calamari, Coconut, Les Figues, Plays Inverse, Raw Art, Shearsman, subpress, and Twisted Spoon.
Shelly Taylor Interviewed at Guernica
"I asked myself what right did I have to put this incredibly tough work out there as I had no firsthand experience in combat and am not an overly political individual. I grappled with how this would affect my friend, my beloved, this soldier who no doubt is still in conflict about his past reality—three tours to be exact, post-9/11 to 2007. In the end, I came to understand that this is a book solely about myself...."
Ana Bozicevic wins Lambda Literary Award for Best Lesbian Poetry
News to which we can add little but Congratulations! and sappy stuff that we'll not post publicly....
Max Winter’s Walking Among Them
By which we mean, Max Winter's long-awaited second collection of [...]
Shelly Taylor: Lions, Remonstrance
Winner of the Elizabeth P. Braddock Prize, Shelly Taylor's Lions, Remonstrance is now out from Coconut Books. Taylor is the author of Black-Eyed Heifer, from Tarpaulin Sky Press, as well as Dirt City Lions (Horse Less Press). She is co-editing Hick Poetics, an anthology of rural poetries, with poet Abraham Smith which will be released in the next year.