Occult Studies | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine


Occult Studies | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine


Slab, by Selah Saterstrom, now available from Coffee House Press

On a slab that's all Katrina left of her Mississippi home, Tiger tells her story, and it is as American as Horatio Alger, Schwab's Pharmacy, and a tent revival. She was a stripper, but is she now a performance artist and best-selling author, and it is really Barbara Walters she's narrating this tale to? Slab is how a girl ends up in the backwash of decadence and sin, and how out of the flotsam and jetsam she might construct a story of herself and the South to carry her to salvation.

Emily Carr, Name Your Bird Without A Gun

"Her voice is like a carnation sucking water, sucking blue. / She drinks. Hello she says. / Yes she says like the lion of St. Mark, with liquid nonchalance…." Excerpts from Emily Carr’s hybrid manuscript, Name Your Bird Without A Gun: A Tarot Novel, a finalist for the 2015 TS Book Prize.

Candice Wuehle, BOUND

“Important information has been omitted / only because I cannot recall how it was ever included. // OBSCENE ACTION / Greek / too violent or complicated / for the stage/an invention of a traumatized poet // obscene/ob skene / off screen / un seen // IE: ghosts, / suicides, gas.” Excerpts from Candice Wuehle’s poetry manuscript, BOUND, a finalist for the 2015 TS Book Prize.

Fiction by Elytron Frass

"Gematria": The honeycomb; the scutes of a turtle’s carapace; the ideal crystalline structure of graphine and Hanksite; Benzene, the simplest aromatic compound; the James Webb Space Telescope—efficient polygons with six edges and six verticals. A regular hexagon has six rotational symmetries and six reflection symmetries; these make up the dihedral group D6....

María Negroni’s “Dark Museum” Reviewed by Chris Moran

"The space in Dark Museum feels archetypal, mythic, and without clear precedent. Words are talismanic and a curse, and desire, death, dreams and decadence mingle with sorrow and the grotesque" — Chris Moran on María Negroni's Dark Museum (Action Books 2015).

CA Conrad’s “Ecodeviance” reviewed by Heather Sweeney

"These pages are fields of healing crystals. A crystal text. Crystal gestures full of strange angles. These are visceral experiments spliced with memory" -- Heather Sweeney on CA Conrad's Ecodeviance (Soma)tics for the Future Wilderness (Wave Books, 2014)

Slab, by Selah Saterstrom, now available from Coffee House Press

On a slab that's all Katrina left of her Mississippi home, Tiger tells her story, and it is as American as Horatio Alger, Schwab's Pharmacy, and a tent revival. She was a stripper, but is she now a performance artist and best-selling author, and it is really Barbara Walters she's narrating this tale to? Slab is how a girl ends up in the backwash of decadence and sin, and how out of the flotsam and jetsam she might construct a story of herself and the South to carry her to salvation.

Emily Carr, Name Your Bird Without A Gun

"Her voice is like a carnation sucking water, sucking blue. / She drinks. Hello she says. / Yes she says like the lion of St. Mark, with liquid nonchalance…." Excerpts from Emily Carr’s hybrid manuscript, Name Your Bird Without A Gun: A Tarot Novel, a finalist for the 2015 TS Book Prize.

Candice Wuehle, BOUND

“Important information has been omitted / only because I cannot recall how it was ever included. // OBSCENE ACTION / Greek / too violent or complicated / for the stage/an invention of a traumatized poet // obscene/ob skene / off screen / un seen // IE: ghosts, / suicides, gas.” Excerpts from Candice Wuehle’s poetry manuscript, BOUND, a finalist for the 2015 TS Book Prize.

Fiction by Elytron Frass

"Gematria": The honeycomb; the scutes of a turtle’s carapace; the ideal crystalline structure of graphine and Hanksite; Benzene, the simplest aromatic compound; the James Webb Space Telescope—efficient polygons with six edges and six verticals. A regular hexagon has six rotational symmetries and six reflection symmetries; these make up the dihedral group D6....

María Negroni’s “Dark Museum” Reviewed by Chris Moran

"The space in Dark Museum feels archetypal, mythic, and without clear precedent. Words are talismanic and a curse, and desire, death, dreams and decadence mingle with sorrow and the grotesque" — Chris Moran on María Negroni's Dark Museum (Action Books 2015).

CA Conrad’s “Ecodeviance” reviewed by Heather Sweeney

"These pages are fields of healing crystals. A crystal text. Crystal gestures full of strange angles. These are visceral experiments spliced with memory" -- Heather Sweeney on CA Conrad's Ecodeviance (Soma)tics for the Future Wilderness (Wave Books, 2014)

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