Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
“COOING”: Poetry by Dev Murphy
"It is coming to you again. You were watching a comedy special & eating tiramisu & smiling & you were drawing pictures of women swimming under stars & you were all alone & you were all right. " - from "Cooing" by Devan Murphy
Two Poems by Ryan Bollenbach
"I open the glass door into the light pollution. I taste meat. On the mall’s open mouth, fungus-crystals dagger." - Ryan Bollenbach
Maya Weeks: Excerpt from “Myth of the Garbage Patch”
"i’m going to have a heart attack if i drive like my grandpa so i am / stealing sunflowers, all i want to do is steal sunflowers, burn / the house down, trip the circuit breaker" - Maya Weeks
Lara Glenum: Poems from “White Trashed: A Snow White Story”
"In the poison lodge / My spine / begins fusing together I see animals / strung up in trees In psychomotor groves / Grief / is walking about on tornadic legs / & I loose all my eyes I’m spilling across floors" - Lara Glenum
Madison McCartha: Video-Poem from “The Cryptodrone Sequence”
Using technology & borrowed texts, Madison McCartha's new video-poem digitizes excerpts from his long empire-subverting poem, "The Cryptodrone Sequence."
Five Poems by Patrick Samuel
"Head never throws-up on purpose because there’d be no one / to hate if I got skinny."
“COOING”: Poetry by Dev Murphy
"It is coming to you again. You were watching a comedy special & eating tiramisu & smiling & you were drawing pictures of women swimming under stars & you were all alone & you were all right. " - from "Cooing" by Devan Murphy
Two Poems by Ryan Bollenbach
"I open the glass door into the light pollution. I taste meat. On the mall’s open mouth, fungus-crystals dagger." - Ryan Bollenbach
Maya Weeks: Excerpt from “Myth of the Garbage Patch”
"i’m going to have a heart attack if i drive like my grandpa so i am / stealing sunflowers, all i want to do is steal sunflowers, burn / the house down, trip the circuit breaker" - Maya Weeks
Lara Glenum: Poems from “White Trashed: A Snow White Story”
"In the poison lodge / My spine / begins fusing together I see animals / strung up in trees In psychomotor groves / Grief / is walking about on tornadic legs / & I loose all my eyes I’m spilling across floors" - Lara Glenum