Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
JeFF Stumpo: poems from diluvium
Excerpts from JeFF Stumpo's diluvium, a 64-page poetic sequence / long poem wherein rhyming poems, representing "the conscious utterances of Noah and/or his wife as they wait out the Flood on the ark," are surrounded by an "ocean of free verse, word salad, and visual poetry (raindrops, a hurricane, the darkness of the hold, wings, etc.) representing their subconsciouses, or perhaps a Collective Unconscious." The project, says Stumpo, "tracks them through an Eriksonian development, from metaphorical birth onward. What begins steeped in Judeo-Christian mythology slowly gives way to a humanist worldview, though there are also bits of Hinduism and Buddhism sprinkled throughout."
Tarpaulin Sky #18: Chronic Content
Featuring Danielle Vogel, Danielle Pafunda, Andy Nicholson, Barbara Maloutas, Amanda Jo Williams, Ally Harris, Sarah Goldstein, Johannes Göransson, Andrea Kneeland, Dot Devota, Mark Cunningham, Richard Froude, Amy King, Ana Božičević, Brian Henry, and Carol Guess.
Tarpaulin Sky Literary Journal Issue #17 / Summer 2011
Featuring work by Scott Butterfield, David Buuck & Juliana Spahr, Roxanne Carter, Joshua Cohen, Stella Corso, Patrick Crerand, Jeremy M. Davies, Sandra Doller, Aaron Patrick Flanagan, Molly Gaudry, Roxane Gay, Anne Gorrick, Janalyn Guo, Daniel Y. Harris, Catherine Imbriglio, Lucy Ives, Christopher Janke, Patrick Jones, Catherina Kasper, Sean Kilpatrick, Thorin Klosowski, Sean Labrador y Manzano, Susan Maxwell, Susan McCarty, Christina Mengert, Anjali Mullany, Christian Nagler, Aimee Parkison, Lance Phillips, Deborah Richards, Kate Schapira, Ben Segal, Donna Stonecipher, Bronwen Tate, Laura Vena, and Max Winter. With cover art by Noah Saterstrom.
Tarpaulin Sky Issue #16 = Trickhouse #5
Trickhouse #5 is Tarpaulin Sky #16. Curated by Noah Saterstrom. Featuring Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Thalia Field, Anne Waldman, Lisa Jarnot, Caroline Bergvall, Joanna Howard, Heide Hatry, Lisa Birman, Brandon Shimoda, Lisa Schumaier, Gordon Massman, Amy King, Ana Bozicevic, Josh Friedman, and Verbobala.
Tarpaulin Sky Literary Journal Issue #15 / Print Issue #2
Cover art by Brandon Downing. Featuring work by Aidan Thompson, Amber Nelson, Andrew Michael Roberts, Bernard Noël, Blake Butler, Brian Henry, Brigitte Byrd, Cal Freeman, Corey Mesler, Dan Thomas-Glass, Erin Lyndal Martin, George Kalamaras, Gregory Howard, Heather Green, Jamey Dunham, Jess Neiweem, Jill Magi, Joanna Ruocco, Jonah Winter, Kim Gek Lin Short, Kristen E. Nelson, Kristi Maxwell, Laynie Browne, Mark Cunningham, Megan Martin, Michael Clearwater, Michael Rerick, Patrick Morrissey, Peter Davis, Rae Gouirand, Rauan Klassnik, Richard Froude, Rob Cook, Sara Veglahn, and Tim Roberts.
Tarpaulin Sky Online Literary Journal Issue #14 / Spring-Summer 2008
Edited by Bhanu Kapil. Featuring work by Brenda Iijima, Dodie Bellamy, Laura Mullen, Bill Luoma, Melissa Buzzeo, Chris Abani, Michelle Naka Pierce, Christine Wertheim, Renee Gladman, Amy Catanzano, Amber DiPietra, Dolores Dorantes, Alan Gilbert, Deborah Richards, Lisa Birman, Isaac Currie, Rohini Kapil, Caroline Bergvall, and Michelle Naka Pierce.
Poems by Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer
She bears her horns and becomes / like a bright object, made by art. / And the jewel says: To make / and: A reminder to keep the law, / and she performed a rite / and the jewel said: / Do, make, do, make, / And she: Make do, amuletum, / voices of unknown origin.
Kim Vodicka, Psychic Privates
"The love upon our garden gates / is whereupon gapes gunlight. // The Sussex annex of exploding hearts / in the fort nexus of forever. // They all smile when they say it." Excerpts from Kim Vodicka’s poetry manuscript, Psychic Privates, a finalist for the 2015 TS Book Prize.
Pleasure Objects by Steven Teref
[Sonnet] // Panty Sniffing / Pedal Pumping / Ponyplay // Pregnant / Prolapse // Ponytail / Pegging // Piss Drinking // Pakistani / Plumber...
Poems by Jennifer Pilch
Chorus: There was a child who died. / She takes what is no longer given then takes what is no longer given then takes what is no longer given then takes what is no longer there. / How to catch the wrinkled pleats ripple above the knees. / How to retain before the vacant chest. / How light increased on strands of copper hair. / Chorus: There was a child who died.