Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Poetry | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
A.T. Grant: poems from WAKE
Dead Sister do I love your death. Do I love my own. Dead Sister did my soul choke yours out somehow. Dead Sister will you ever not come around. Dead Sister is there something you want to tell. Tell me. Dead Sister my head feels light. Dead Sister my body feels light. Dead Sister my. Feels light. Light fills.
Jason Labbe: Two Poems
Franz not your father called and left you a message: Difficulty requires consciousness, to which I replied, That is simple to understand and I will tell her. Often one condition requires another which does not reciprocate. Franz not your father is totally German in his austerity. Our friend’s father, whom she had not known since she was seven, died unexpectedly, and a mysterious man with an authentic Albanian name I would never remember called to notify her. I know her less intimately now but that is not the point. . . .
JeFF Stumpo: poems from diluvium
Excerpts from JeFF Stumpo's diluvium, a 64-page poetic sequence / long poem wherein rhyming poems, representing "the conscious utterances of Noah and/or his wife as they wait out the Flood on the ark," are surrounded by an "ocean of free verse, word salad, and visual poetry (raindrops, a hurricane, the darkness of the hold, wings, etc.) representing their subconsciouses, or perhaps a Collective Unconscious." The project, says Stumpo, "tracks them through an Eriksonian development, from metaphorical birth onward. What begins steeped in Judeo-Christian mythology slowly gives way to a humanist worldview, though there are also bits of Hinduism and Buddhism sprinkled throughout."
Tarpaulin Sky #18: Chronic Content
Featuring Danielle Vogel, Danielle Pafunda, Andy Nicholson, Barbara Maloutas, Amanda Jo Williams, Ally Harris, Sarah Goldstein, Johannes Göransson, Andrea Kneeland, Dot Devota, Mark Cunningham, Richard Froude, Amy King, Ana Božičević, Brian Henry, and Carol Guess.