Received & Available for Review | Tarpaulin Sky

Received & Available for Review | Tarpaulin Sky
praeclare facta: Books Received & Available for Review
25 books from Ahsahta, Brooklyn Arts, Calamari, Coconut, Cutbank, Denver Quarterly, Fourteen Hills, Geargetown Review, Les Figues, Monkey Puzzle, New Issues, Noemi, Ricochet, Solid Objects, Spuyten Duyvil, Tin House, Verse, and White Pine Press.
iamne vides quantum tenuis natura valere possit, ubi est coniuncta gravi cum corpore, ut aer coniunctus terris et nobis est animi vis?
Received & Available: 26 books from Ahsahta, Black Ocean, Brooklyn Arts, Cervena Barva, Chaudiere, Cleveland State, Gold Line, Calamari, Coconut, Les Figues, Plays Inverse, Raw Art, Shearsman, subpress, and Twisted Spoon.
Max Winter’s Walking Among Them
By which we mean, Max Winter's long-awaited second collection of [...]
Shelly Taylor: Lions, Remonstrance
Winner of the Elizabeth P. Braddock Prize, Shelly Taylor's Lions, Remonstrance is now out from Coconut Books. Taylor is the author of Black-Eyed Heifer, from Tarpaulin Sky Press, as well as Dirt City Lions (Horse Less Press). She is co-editing Hick Poetics, an anthology of rural poetries, with poet Abraham Smith which will be released in the next year.
me vocas ad scribendum: Books Received & Available for Review
21 books from Action, Ahsahta, belladonna, Black Ocean, BlazeVox, Bloof, Brooklyn Arts, Calamari, Dusie, Fence, Les Figues, Octopus / Tin House, Ugly Duckling, and University of Arizona.
Books, Chapbooks, Anthologies, Journals, Received & Available for Review
Books, chapbooks, anthologies, and journals from over 30 authors, including Dodie Bellamy, Jessica Bozek, D.J. Dolack, Julie Doxsee, j/j hastain, Marthe Reed, Camille Martin, Elizabeth Robinson, and Ron Silliman; from 15 presses, including Ahsahta, Black Ocean, BookThug, Calamari, Fence, Les Figues, New Michigan, &NOW Books, and Ugly Duckling.
Chaps from Ricochet Editions available for review
Ricochet's entry into the chapbook scene comes by way of three titles -- Bradley Harrison's Diorama of a People, Burning; Matthew Kirkpatrick's The Exiles; and Glenn Shaheen's Unchecked Savagery --each of which exudes its own organic form.
Books received & available for review
14 books, 12 authors, 11 presses. Carrie Olivia Adams, Michael S. Begnal, James Belflower, Amina Cain, Jack Collom, T. Zachary Cotler, Peter Davis, Kate Greenstreet, Brian Henry, M. Kasper, Ethan Paquin, and Kim Rosenfield; published by Ahsahta Press, Black Scat Books, Bloof Books, Denver Quarterly, Insert Press, Instance Press, Salmon Poetry, Salt Publishing, SpringGun Press, Ugly Duckling Presse, and Verse.
Two New Titles from Black Ocean Books
Aase Berg's Dark Matter translated by Johannes Göransson & Rauan Klassnik's The Moon's Jaw are available for review at Tarpaulin Sky.
Received & available for review
New books by Spencer Dew, Karel Jaromír Erben, Lisa A. Flowers, Julia Glassman, Rachel Levitsky, Cynthia Dewi Oka, and Brandon Shimoda; published by Ampersand Books, Dinah Press, Futurepoem Books, Octopus Books / Tin House, South Loop Review, Twisted Spoon Press, and Vulgar Marsala Press.
Looking forward to seeing this in the world:
Incorporating language from trial records to papal bulls to incendiary theological documents, Emma Bolden's Maleficae explores the intersection of forces that led to the witch persecutions – forces alarmingly similar to those operating in American society today – in a book-length series of poems that seeks to re-create the sheer terror of the trials, while also focusing one so-called witch: her story, her wail from the center of the flames. In making the dead speak, Maleficae gives the victims of the trials a voice. (GenPop Books, Spring 2013)
Received & available for review
Do you write reviews worth reading? Well, then, allow us to send you one of twelve new books from five presses, including new texts by Shanna Compton, Laura Elrick, Margaret Christakos, Beatriz Hausner, Aisha Sasha John, Nicole Markotić, Christine McNair, Kirill Medvedev, Chantal Neveu, Lisa Robertson, Jamie Sharpe, and Cecilia Vicuña; published by Bloof Books, BookThug, ECW Press, Kenning Editions, n+1/Ugly Duckling Presse.
Morti Me Obtuli: Books received for review
Received & available: 43 books from 29 presses, including Ahsahta, Calamari, Essay Press, Featherproof, Les Figues, Nightboat, Trembling Pillow.... Get them while everyone is still alive.
Post Tenebris Aurora: Books Received & Available for Review
Books by 32 authors and translators on 27 presses, including Ahsahta, Black Radish, Brooklyn Arts Press, Burning Deck, Civil Coping Mechanisms, Dancing Girl, Denver Quarterly, Dusie, Kore Press, Letter Machine Editions, Little Paper Press, Plays Inverse, Ricochet Editions, Tarcher Perigee, and more.