Columns | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

Columns | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
Julia Cohen’s and Abby Hagler’s Original Obsessions: Interview with Katherine Indermaur
Interview Katherine Indermaur, author of I|I (Seneca Review Books, 2022)
Julia Cohen’s and Abby Hagler’s Original Obsessions: an Interview with Min Kang
Julia Cohen's and Abby Hagler’s Original Obsessions An [...]
Interview with Tameca L Coleman
Original Obsessions seeks to discover the origins of writerly curiosity -- the gestation and development of these imaginings -- focusing on early fixations that burrowed into an author's psyche and that reappear in their current book. Opening 2023's line-up, Tameca L Coleman discusses their book an identity polyptych (The Elephants, 2021) the complexities of photograph as memory and committing violence in a text.
Kelly Krumrie’s “Figuring”: 2022 Roundup
Figuring is a column that puzzles over (to figure) and gives shape to (a figure) writing, art, and environments that integrate or concern mathematics and the sciences. In our THIRD ANNUAL roundup, Kelly Krumrie gathers some of her favorite art, text, tacos, and monuments of 2022.
Interview with Selah Saterstrom
"I can imagine writing as a Eucharistic event. In the mouth. In house. I can imagine a sentence which punches me in the stomach. Noli me tangere: touch me not. Words said by Jesus to Mary Magdalene when she encountered him post-crucifixion in a passage of writing considered to be some of the most difficult to interpret in the whole of the New Testament. The dominant prevailing historic read of Mary Magdalene is that she has a credibility issue." from Rancher by Selah Saterstrom (Burrow Press, 2021)
Review of Paul Cunningham’s “The House of the Tree of Sores”
Evening Signals is a column by James Pate exploring the Baroque, the Gothic, the Weird, and the Fantastique in contemporary poetry and fiction: this month he examines uncanniness in Paul Cunningham's debut poetry collection.
Julia Cohen’s and Abby Hagler’s Original Obsessions: Interview with Katherine Indermaur
Interview Katherine Indermaur, author of I|I (Seneca Review Books, 2022)
Julia Cohen’s and Abby Hagler’s Original Obsessions: an Interview with Min Kang
Julia Cohen's and Abby Hagler’s Original Obsessions An [...]
Interview with Tameca L Coleman
Original Obsessions seeks to discover the origins of writerly curiosity -- the gestation and development of these imaginings -- focusing on early fixations that burrowed into an author's psyche and that reappear in their current book. Opening 2023's line-up, Tameca L Coleman discusses their book an identity polyptych (The Elephants, 2021) the complexities of photograph as memory and committing violence in a text.
Kelly Krumrie’s “Figuring”: 2022 Roundup
Figuring is a column that puzzles over (to figure) and gives shape to (a figure) writing, art, and environments that integrate or concern mathematics and the sciences. In our THIRD ANNUAL roundup, Kelly Krumrie gathers some of her favorite art, text, tacos, and monuments of 2022.
Interview with Selah Saterstrom
"I can imagine writing as a Eucharistic event. In the mouth. In house. I can imagine a sentence which punches me in the stomach. Noli me tangere: touch me not. Words said by Jesus to Mary Magdalene when she encountered him post-crucifixion in a passage of writing considered to be some of the most difficult to interpret in the whole of the New Testament. The dominant prevailing historic read of Mary Magdalene is that she has a credibility issue." from Rancher by Selah Saterstrom (Burrow Press, 2021)
Review of Paul Cunningham’s “The House of the Tree of Sores”
Evening Signals is a column by James Pate exploring the Baroque, the Gothic, the Weird, and the Fantastique in contemporary poetry and fiction: this month he examines uncanniness in Paul Cunningham's debut poetry collection.