News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine

News & Notes | Tarpaulin Sky Magazine
What I’m Reading Now… by Ching-In Chen
Ching-In Chen discusses books by Ruth King, adrienne marie brown, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Kai Cheng Thom, Wai-Yant Li and Kai Yun Ching
What I’m Reading Now… by Sarah Richards Graba
Sarah Richards Graba discusses books by Christoph Keller, Jan Heller Levi, Gabrielle Civil, Duriel E. Harris, Rosamond S. King, and Octavia Butler.
Sara Wainscott’s “Insecurity System” reviewed by Caryl Pagel
"In this collection, in the span of a single crown, death is both action and inaction (“there’s time enough for that”), while a rose suggests tribute, trophy, genitalia, and motivation." — Caryl Pagel
What I’m Reading Now… by Vi Khi Nao
Vi Khi Nao dicusses books by Prageeta Sharma, Sophia Dahlin, Jessica Q. Stark, Vivian Pham, and Derek Piotr.
What I’m Reading Now… by Hanna Andrews
Hanna Andrews discusses books by Ling Ma, Rachel Cusk, Anjali Sachdeva, Mikki Kendall, and Ed Roberson
Nathan Hauke’s “Indian Summer Recycling” reviewed by James Knippen
"Nathan Hauke’s Indian Summer Recycling, a collection of postmodern pastorals, evokes a singular sense of place. Front and center is the typically disregarded detritus of rural life" - James Knippen
What I’m Reading Now… by Abigail Zimmer
Abigail Zimmer discusses books by Asiya Wadud, Mary-Kim Arnold, Eve L. Ewing, Sarah C. Townsend, and Prageeta Sharma.
James Pate’s Evening Signals: Maria Negroni’s “The Annunciation”
"[U]nlike a more mainstream novel, this isn’t a novel of hard-won wisdom and gentle epiphany, but a work of mirrors and lists and fever dreams and manic monologues, with no sense of closure in sight." - James Pate
What I’m Reading Now… by William Lessard
William Lessard discusses books by Tarpaulin Sky author Steven Dunn, as well as authors Hillary Leftwich, Rae Armantrout, and Joe Pan.
What I’m Reading Now… by Nicole Yurcaba
Nicole Yurcaba discusses books by Andrew Lam, Rodrigo Marquez Tizano, Star Black, Christopher Isherwood, and Ihor Pavlyuk.
What I’m Reading Now… by Jennifer Nelson
Jennifer Nelson discusses books by Carmen Bambach, Tamsyn Muir, Jennif(f)er Tamayo, Christopher S. Wood, and Tung-Hui Hu.
Miggy Angel’s “Boy, Bestiary” reviewed by Samuel Strathman
"Angel is a precise surgeon taking a scalpel to language with his brilliant scapular word-play" - Samuel Strathman
What I’m Reading Now… by Celia Bland
Celia Bland discusses books by Donika Kelly, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Anniky Brodokov, and Alejandra Pizarnik.
Kim Vodicka’s “The Elvis Machine” reviewed by Charlene Elsby
"A poetry collection like none I’ve ever read, Kim Vodicka’s The Elvis Machine has a powerful emotive force. It has a rhythm that make you want to read out loud. It’s a poetry collection to dance to. But what sticks with me, most of all, is its demand." - Charlene Elsby
What I’m Reading Now… by Christine Hume
Christine Hume discusses books by Claudia Rankine, Crisis, Deb Olin Unferth, Christina Milletti and Linette Lao.